Between 2011-2016, Gülsan completed its fourth energy project, delivering clean and renewable energy. The project consists of two plants, two regulators and one dam with a total installed capacity of 100 MW and 268,30 GWh annual average production.
Kasimlar Projects reside in the Mediterranean Region, in the city of Isparta, Sutculer Town, utilizing the energy potential of Ayvali River, located between 828 meter-476 meter elevations.
The Ibisler Regulator transfers the water to Kasimlar Dam with a 15 m3/s capacity, a 1.016 meter long trapeze passageway and a 2.172 meter long tunnel. The 90 meter high and harsh concrete-filled Kasimlar Dam, placed on the Ayvali Stream, was constructed between 831,00 – 741,00 elevations. A skirt type powerhouse has 25 MW installed capacity and annual average production of 68 GWh.
The water collected with the Kasimlar Regulator, is placed at 700 meter downstream of Kasimlar Dam, and is transferred through a 34 m3/s capacity, a 4.373 meter long trapeze passageway and the 10.891 meter long transmission tunnel to the forebay pool. After the forebay pool, the water passes through a 923 meter long pressurized tunnel and 701 meter long penstock to Degirmenozu Power House, at a base elevation of 476,00 meters. The Power House has two turbines, 74,462 MW installed capacity and an annual average production of 200 GWh.