Topçular Interchange is located on the D-100 Highway within the boundaries of the Gebze-Kocaeli. The project consists of 1400 meters of main road (reconstructed D-100), 3750m of secondary and access roads, and the construction of a girder bridge with a cumulative span length of 325 meters. The bridge is comprised of 15 spans, supported by 2x14 reinforced concrete piers. The total width of the carriageway, including the shoulders, is 2x16=32 meters, which accommodates 2x3 lane for traffic flow and an additional 2x(1.5+1.0)=5 meters of pedestrian walkway.
The bridge elevates the existing D-100 Highway, enabling the traffic to flow on both directions towards the Darica-Gebze Road (North) and Connection Roads to D-100 Highway (South Side-Roads) through the grade junction located under the bridge.
Authority: Gebze Municipality, Directorate of Infrastructure
Location: Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey
Construction Period: 9,5 months